
Be it the family we are born in to, the family we marry in to, the life-long friends we call family or even just the “shall we invite them over?” work family… The people we choose to spend our time with are our family.

If you’d like, I would love to help you capture some images to accompany the memories you have of the family you hold dear.

Family photos on Oak Island

Oak Island on a summers day with a beautiful family made for an easy and genuinely enjoyable family portrait session. Everyone was a pleasure to work with. The cousins all put in the most effort to be extra cute and adorable.

Rose, Mike & Jake

A whistle stop set of holiday photos for Rose and Mike with their son Jake. Babies nap, a lot, Jake was no acceptation but still gave us an awesome 15 minutes of his beautiful smiles.

Cody, Emmeline & Owen

A cold rainy afternoon calls for nothing more than a quick show-and-tell and then some laps of Mario Kart against their daddy until a new champion was crowned (it was not daddy).


When it’s not about posing for a Holiday picture, it’s ALL about playing with a mixing bowl. With an abundance of smiles Emilia was a delight to not just photograph but to also hang out with whilst she amused herself and everyone around her.